No newspapers available today. No express or Mail crosswords. They normally keep me busy all day and I post 5 to 6 entries.
It's going to be a long boring day!!
Same here, Caran. Have just begun yesterday's Times Jumbo Cryptic, which should keep me going for a while. Even today's Where Was I? was only a five-minute job. Total white-out, will have a snow-walk later once I go stir-crazy....
Mints, I see you've changed your avatar back: what on earth was your previous, short-lived one?! I stared at the big version on your profile yesterday, but still couldn't make it out......a turkey with a bib round its neck??
I've had no email facility for 5 days. Talk talk are "looking into it" could take up to 72 hours.
I was just reading emails and a box popped up saying cannot get mail. Says username and or password are incorrect. I hadn't touched either of them. I have tried every variation on my passwords but nothing works.