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My New Teeth,,,continued

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mikey4444 | 16:58 Fri 22nd Dec 2017 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
I have the much heralded new teeth ! They look lovely, in fact they look nicer than my own ones ever looked....well, since I was a boy anyway.

Whether or not I will be able to eat with them only time will tell.

But I do sound a bit like Violet Elizabeth Bott !


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when do you not, lol
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"I'll thcream and thcream 'till I'm thick"
Good luck with them mikey.
You can stop screaming already ... smiley face !
Are they a bith looth?
Question Author
Quite the opposite Tilly!

They feel like I have a large shoe in my mouth. The Dentist spent the best part of 45 mins making them fit, and he said I would get used to them, which I will I suppose. He said better a little tight to begin with.

I shall persevere !
Do they hurt?
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Hurt ? No, not at all. They have been in since about 16:00, and I am going to have a go eating dinner tonight with them in....sausages and saute potatoes, with raspberry jelly and ice cream for afters.
Good luck mikey, sounds as though you've got more than just the front two in time for Christmas.
"They feel like I have a large shoe in my mouth."

As opposed to just the foot? :-)
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Somewhat bizarrley, the Dentist suggested I suck some boiled sweets for a day or two, as it will help to get my mouth used to having these new dentures in, without nasty things like pips getting underneath !

Sugar-free sweets of course !
brilliant douglas.
Question Author
Made a complete hash of bizarrely above !

Not bad Dougie, not bad !
Just be aware that you might develop an Oirish brogue. :-)
Just in the nick of time, Mikey. I've sent you some air dried octopus and treacle toffee for Christmas.
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Dougie...I have been talking to the dog since I came in, and his giving me strange looks....not sure if he is a fan of "Just William"
Hi Mikey, I hope you fare better with your new teeth than I did with mine. I had only been wearing mine for an afternoon , when out of the blue. they bit me !! Most off putting.
You're a very funny man Mikey! ;0)
Eat some peanut brittle. That'll be a good test.
Mine are in 4 years and still feel as there is brandy ball in my mouth. and I gag when I take take them out. I do believe there are people who are good with the falsies and the others are not - I am the NOT -

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My New Teeth,,,continued

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