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Foo Fighters

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lola jax | 10:10 Tue 11th Jul 2006 | Music
2 Answers
I was wondering if anyone could tell me where to find the track 'The One'? I have all the albums and it isn't an actual track on any of them, I know there is a version of the song on the dvd that came with the one by one album but its not on the cd.

I recently went to see them in manchester and I am wanting to make a playlist of the songs they did at the gig and this is the only one I don't have.


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you will find it on limewire
Hi lola jax,

The track features on the 'Orange County' soundtrack - 026-2385636-3595635?v=glance&n=229816&v=glance

If you send me an e-mail address I'll forward you an mp3 copy of the song - [email protected]

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