I come across an old phone socket behind a chest of drawers, earlier today. I wanted to get rid of it but before ripping it off the wall I thought I’d better check to see if it was still live. I got my daughter to fetch an old style phone from the cupboard. Well, the very intelligent 17 year old was absolutely delighted to play around with an ‘old fashioned’ phone. She kept calling all the mobiles in the house, pressing the buttons. She even found the tiny answerphone cassette under the little flap. Thoroughly enchanted she was.
Buenchico....I must have fitted an awful lot of those in your first link in my time....the model was called a "746"
and came in black, cream, green, blue, red and a rather bilious yellow. But they all call cost extra to rent, apart from the black !
Boaty....the Trimphone was even more expensive to rent than a coloured 746 !
The main problem with them was because they were so light and narrow, they had a tendency to slide off the table, if you didn't steady them with the hand that wasn't doing to dialing.