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Rte 3

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Desktopped | 15:31 Tue 09th Jan 2018 | Crosswords
10 Answers
1d: Completing a form you don't need to have it at the end? (7,3) ???l???, out
9a: Of all that concerns RTE Guide boss, her dearest would turn to you all (3, 7) the, ?e???r?
27a: An interpretation of odium? (8) a?e?????


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1 Filling out
Filling Out
9 The readers
27 Aversion a version
27 seen as aversion
Desktopped - have you got answers to 28a and 17d that intersect correctly? It would put people on this Site out of their misery if you can oblige. Ta
Question Author
Hi Captain2 for 28accross i have answered Big Hearted, but irt dosent fit with what i thought was the answer for 17down On the line?
Thanks Desktopped, that's the problem at least 3 other Questioners are having (some on here are suggesting 'on the road' but without confidence). Wonder if it is Setters error?
Thanks for replying though.
Question Author
yeah "On the road" would fit
Captain2, Desktopped would On The Road be the best answer as it's only when on the line that a train driver would be at risk if sticking his neck out? The clue is a question.

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