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How's This For Laziness

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Tilly2 | 21:18 Sat 27th Jan 2018 | ChatterBank
49 Answers
We have recently returned from an eighteen day holiday and Mr T took 12 shirts with him. When unpacking, I despaired at the amount of washing and ironing, so today, I took the shirts to the local dry cleaners and they can deal with them. Mr T can pay for them when he collects them. :-)


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I'm not biting, Jordy! :-)
Tilly // there was no water available in the taps, just a hand sanitizer. //
If you drank that it's no wonder you still feel queazy and dizzy.
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I didn't drink it, honestly.
-- answer removed --
Doesn't sound like laziness gimme - more like sense. You've just had a holiday, it's bad enough having to get right back into it with washing without ironing all those shirts! Hope you had a great time.
Should say "to me" not gimme, where did that come from?
// Ironing clothes is women’s work always was in my day no self respecting man should have to iron clothes //
If that's the case Jordy, why is it men who've been in the military are excellent at ironing, and often prefer to do it themselves?...see baldric @ 20:30
just taking two shirts is the order of the day, lighter suitcase and it gives the wife some washing and ironing to do if she gets bored

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Ael, if you took more shirts you wouldn't have to pack Doris' iron. Shirts weigh less than an iron.

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