I am 45 and my husband is 42.We have been married for 15 years but he stops being intimate with me for the past one year.When I ask him he says he is tired from work and is getting old.We have two teenage children.He comes home and does his things and then goes to bed early.I take care of my appearance and never let myself go.There is no evidence pointing to him using porn or having an affair.I know he doesn't want a divorce.When I tried to talk about the issue he becomes quiet and end up arguing with me.I feel really lonely.What should I do? He is not the type to go for counselling or mens health checkup.
Perhaps it's just as simple as erectile issues and he's embarrassed to even try to have sex, or to talk about it. It doesn't mean he doesn't love you or fancy you. Obviously something needs to be done or you'll be very unhappy.
Try going to bed at the same time as him sometimes and just have a cuddle, with no pressure on him to do anything else.