Also struggling with nasty flu, but that's no excuse - this was a bit beyond me. Have to say I hate crosswords where anagramming all down answers means you end up with (inevitably!) more down than across clues solved and strings of possible letters making your search for across answers no easier!
In the end I've done pretty much all of it and checked another place to see if a nudge would help. It reassured me that I'd got all the starred letters right, but that doesn't help. Worked out the message from the crossed letters and eventually got a 2 word phrase but that's it.
Having given up, I read further on that site and found an explanation of 46a. Having stared at this for ages and settled on the only possible answer, I don't see a proper definition - however clever the wordplay.
Many other clues turned out to be a lot easier than they appeared, so my memory of this puzzle is mainly annoyance. It doesn't help to see comments about how brilliant it was! I'll wait for the solution and probably concur...