Questions about radio codes come up quite frequently here but
(a) it's unlikely that anyone here will have access to the code ; and
(b) it's against the site's policy to post them anyway.
However all might not yet be lost. The vast majority of radio codes seem to be written down on, or inside, the cover of the car's handbook (or audio manual). So simply delving into your car's glove box might be all that's required.
Otherwise you'll have to pay to get the code. When I worked for a Ford main dealer some years ago they were charging £15 for a code but there are online services which can do it cheaper. (The usual disadvantage of using an online service is that you need to remove the radio to get the serial number, whereas Ford can do it from the car's registration number or VIN. However it seems that you've already got the serial number).
These sites both get good reviews: