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Genius 176

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iminoz | 01:44 Tue 06th Feb 2018 | Crosswords
16 Answers
22d A threesome at cards, missing a spring? (5)


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April A prile is three cards of the same suit and rank.
Three of the same in cards is A Prile.
Sorry, A prile is three cards of the same rank, Not suit.
You've played brag then Jack
Question Author
Thanks, Jack and Dave.
It's in Chambers as 'prial' or pair-royal, which fits with losing the A
That make more sense, I was wondering about the E as I always thought it was Prile - wrongly.
Probably pronunciation has corrupted it to prile. Because the stress is on the 'i' you tend not to hear the 'a'.
Yes, agree.
I've only ever heard the term in the context of Brag, no other game. As I had never seen it in writing I spelt it phonetically.
Likewise. Don't bother about spelling when playing brag. Many phrases are used but not suitable for publishing.
Too true. When I was in the RAF we used to play a game called Hearts, aka Chase the lady. What we called it is unprintable.
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Almost the same except it is the Queen of Spades, worth 13 points. If you manage to take all the hearts and the queen of spades you 'shoot the moon' and the other players get 26 points on their scores.
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