Kindle And The Internet in The AnswerBank: Technology
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Kindle And The Internet

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DarceyK123 | 17:42 Sat 17th Feb 2018 | Technology
9 Answers
Would love to get my Mum a Kindle as she love to read. However, she doesn't have the Internet at home (just limited data on her phone).

Could she Download books from that or would she be able to come up to my house to use my internet connection to load a few at a time?
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I think she will need to have access to the internet.
My daughter downloads here, just make sure that she is connecting to her Amazon account rather than yours! Reading on my Kindle drives me mad, I spend so long looking things up on the internet that occur in the book, my fault I know!
I am sure she will be able to download from your house or any computer.
Unsure about the phone aspect. I have downloaded using the phone, but I had internet.
Once she has downloaded the books she doesn't need an internet connection to read them, just make sure that they go onto the device rather than just the cloud. To remove books she would need a connection to access her Amazon account but so many places offer wifi now.
Think about a Kobo, rather than a Kindle. They use a different format which means they can get books from Public Libraries as well as buying them. Some Kindles can use Public Libraries, the Kindle Fire series but they are tablet computers rather than just book readers and have quite a short battery life (hours, rather than days). You need the internet for either but you can download the books for her and then take your laptop to her house to transfer them. Library books do not need to be returned - they just expire after the loan period. You can also join more than one library without living in the area in some cases.
The Kindle Paperwhite comes in WiFi+3G version. 3G will allow her to download (at no cost) books using cellular data. For this she won't need a mobile phone or an Internet connection.
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Thanks for all your advice, very helpful, the chair, that looks perfect, thank you.
i know you've already had very helpful answers, but i just wanted to say that the 3 g does work and it's free and easy. You'll need wifi for software updates, but they don't ask you to update very often
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Thanks bednobs.

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