Question Author
I was asking a question again, vet, yup guilty as charged
yeah someone previous said - "wodda question den?" as a crushing one-liner (you know the sort) when I just put up a reference alone
the thread should be in Law and we get up to some quite technical points - here it is how their lordships got over previous cases confirming Police immunity
Hillsborough ( Hill v West Yorks Police)
and Sutcliffe
and a recent one - Michael 2015
which they did by starting from art 2 and 3 of the declarationn of human rights, and using a succession of european cases
The lawyer for the respondents has a column in the Times today - he always thought the HIllsborough cases had been mis applied, so he had kinda of an advantage over those such as myself who said - "blimey we know the law on this dont we?" - streetching back to Blackburn v MPC 1968
A lot of people read the original cases
the standard of comment on the Beeb has been low
Clive Coleman didnt seem to understand what he had read
vet- you hadnt read the supreme court judgement before you commented, had you ?