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Hes The Organiser Who Keeps Order Weekly If Strained 5 And 6

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tipton-rotty | 13:58 Sun 18th Feb 2018 | Crosswords
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Yes, its; the name of a package/app but it's a brand name and unlss it's a specialist crossword I doubt they'd use that as an answer. It's the bes we have though. Is 'strained' used sometimes as an anagram indicator?
that was what I was assuming...... but my answer is still unlikely to be correct
Batman Beyond.

Got there in the end.

"Derek Powers is a corrupt businessman who gains control over Wayne Enterprises (now called Wayne-Powers) after merging it with his own company Powers Technologies when Bruce Wayne's health begins to decline. "
FF well done
No, it was your anagram wot dunnit.
I had tried anagrams of W(eekly) IF STRAINED using order as the anagram indicator. I don't think I'd tried your anagram before
I might be missing something but how does that fit the clue, apart from the anagram ??
Just had a thought it might be a themed crossword about Batman / Super heroes ??
It fits with this
Dubbed a "financial czar" and "corporate kingpin" by the media, Derek Powers was Gotham City's most successful and powerful chief executive officer. While little is known about his past, Powers ran Powers Technology and attempted to take over Wayne Enterprises at least once as early as twenty ...

But it's the sort of clue you'd only expect to get in a Batman themed crossword
crossed posts. Yes, I bet there's a theme. It would have been easier with a bit more info
The OP posted this on Sunday 18th under the heading 'last Sundays observer'. Won't the solutions have now been published?
It wasn't in last Sunday's observer or the one before that (unless it wasn't a crossword clue and was part of a quiz for example).
I think tipton-rotty has forgotten about this one so we may never find out where this clue came from and whether it was a themed crossword

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Hes The Organiser Who Keeps Order Weekly If Strained 5 And 6

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