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Mikey Update

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DTCwordfan | 14:57 Wed 28th Feb 2018 | ChatterBank
59 Answers
Just spoken to the family - as some of us thought, things are in limbo as they need the coroner's examination - despite Mikey's heart consultant having paperwork to the state of his plumbing.....

Lastest estimate is early next week, so not likely to be until ten days after that, relatives to come come across from Ireland. They are looking to some form of humanist service but using the church where his mother is bureid - which by the way is tiny and likely to be filled by family.

There will be no flowers, donations the order of the day and to whom, not yet decided but could include the Air Ambulance and/or something educational.

Not sure how these have been organised in the past - to the family direct or through, say, the Ed and to send a cheque over on behalf of us all.....So input here please...I'll e-mail the Ed on this.

Thanks for your patience.


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I will donate personally when I know what charities are involved.
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Thank you for the update DTC. I'm sure everyone appreciates the information given how many were affected by his death.

If anyone would like to show further respect to Mikey, please feel free to do so in a polite, respectful manner, without going off topic.
I shall wait to see where Mikey's family would wish donations to be given and where they should be sent.

Incidentally, the average cost of Wales Air Ambulance attending an emergency is given as £1,500.

Let's wait and see what Mikey's family decide.

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waiting to hear still.....and will communicate when they get back to me - I'll look to open up two or three means, such as direct, Just Give and the family and or undertaker address. If anyone does want to attend (and I can think of one of you not too far away), let me know and I'll ask the at the intended venue is limited....I would go but my mater and daughter will probably limit it as I would need to overnight somewhere. Maybe the one I am thinking of would represent the AB community.......??
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Thank you DTC for the updates, I might be able to attend as well if you'd be so kind as to let us know where and when I'd be much obliged, I was very fond of Mikey. Thanks
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Hopefully we can leave that there.

Much respect, Spare Ed

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