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Happy Birthday Sunny Dave

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murraymints | 05:27 Sat 17th Mar 2018 | ChatterBank
34 Answers

Happy Birthday dear friend xx


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Happy birthday from me too.
and a hppo birdie from me as well! x
Many happy returns to you!! Have a great day.
Many, many happy returns S-D :) x
Many Happy Returns Sunny D. Hope you have a great day.
Happy birthday Dave, hope it is a good one.
Happy Birthday big boy! X
Happy birthday SD, hope you had a good day..
Happy Antiquity . . . erm, I mean Birthday, Dave ;-)
Happy Birthday Dave!
Enjoy your evening.x
Happy Birthday, Dave.

Thanks everyone - too knackered last night to even drink my Birthday Wine - a long day at the Ice Ted Fod and a scary drive home in the blizzard took their toll.

I shall designate today as Saturday the 17th part II ..,
I say, Dave, am I right in thinking you tried that Torrentés from Lidl? A nice drop of wine it must be said...
Not yet NoM - I’m running down my cellar to leave room for a booze cruise later in the Spring (or ‘Winter’ as we now know it) ...

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Happy Birthday Sunny Dave

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