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How Would You Respond If You Caught An Adult Male Who Is A Fan Of Girly/cutesy Pop Artists/groups?

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MM305 | 06:57 Sun 11th Mar 2018 | Music
37 Answers
Pretty much, if you caught this adult male listening to girly/cutesy artists/groups (like the one's shown here) AND noticed he has albums/T-shirts/merchandises of them, how would you folks respond to this Adult Male fan? Honestly?


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This question or similar has been answered a few times in your earlier posts
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“But yes, OP, my point is, as long as it is legal, it's OK to like whatever...”

But the op stating “caught” signifies that he was doing something wrong and the girls on the vid look like schoolgirls so the op imo is asking “what would you/ how would you feel if you caught your partner being an obsessive fan of an underaged girls group in which case my answer would be horrified, shocked,sickened and totally creeped out.
I'd think 'Oh, he must be having problems logging into his usual porn site'.
//But the op stating “caught” signifies that he was doing something wrong //
i couldn't have put it better Jahulaye
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I thing I’ve said this before, but considering what I’m going through, life would be a lot safer if I stopped being obsessed with these types of cutesy artists.

But like I also have said before, it seems that it is impossible to stop watching/listening to these cutesy/girly artists and groups (not in a sexual way, but in a where I find myself “too” interested), despite the fact I was turned off by it at first. I still blame myself for tolerating myself to these types of groups!

But hey, what I’m going through is what happens when I live my life in the Latin side of America. Good to know that you UK folks are not dangerous to live with.
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spathiphyllum The problem isn't me not being unable to get into other things (because I do have more interests). It's that I have THIS particular interest, and hating myself for being into it as much as I am.
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What can a specialist do?
help you to stop hating yourself
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How so?
its one of the things they people to feel comfortable with who they are
My brother looks really like Sir Mick Jagger
is that any help ?
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How did you respond when you saw him liking him?

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How Would You Respond If You Caught An Adult Male Who Is A Fan Of Girly/cutesy Pop Artists/groups?

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