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Bernie | 13:53 Wed 21st Mar 2018 | Quizzes & Puzzles
16 Answers
Ia. Centring(13)??s?????a?i??
1d reduce(4)
7a Tear to pieces (7)??t???e
All this link in.
6d Dwarfish(6)??n???

Many thanks


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1 justification
6 minute?
3 testament?
3d, Agreement?
Question Author
Justification would fit but Dwarfish would begin with N. Reduce would begin with J. Validation would begin I.
Many thanks
1a concentration?
Question Author
I think I'm right with 10a. Clue. Sounds like you are a louse (4) I have unit which gives me the t for 3d
1d clip?
Id.slim? diet? chop?
1a or concentrating?
If 'consolidating' 1d could be 'chop' or 'clip'
Dwarfish could be Grumpy
Please can you clarify what you mean by "all these link in"
Do you mean there isa theme (I can see minute and agreement for example) or just they cross each other.

Where was your S from in 1a and where were t and E from in 7a?
7a Laniate?

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