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Spacestation Sightings For The Uk This Evening

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wendilla | 16:32 Sat 31st Mar 2018 | ChatterBank
3 Answers
1 st sighting. 8. 03 pm for 6 minutes Wsw departing E

2nd sighting. 9. 39 for 3 minutes. W departing SSE

Not a hope again rain rain rain such a shame with a 6 minute sighting


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Thanks for the information, wendilla. Here, in West Yorkshire, we haven't seen even a little bit of blue sky all day, so the spacestation is unlikely to be seen tonight. We'll keep on looking, though!
Thanks, Wendi..but more rain.....nothing but rain.... :-(
I've been in the garden all afternoon, Gness, although it is raining now. I'll have a look out in a few minutes and see what I can see. :-)

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Spacestation Sightings For The Uk This Evening

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