I have 4 different types of clematis in my garden no idea whats whats in the clematis world. One has just started to sprout green buds. I was unaware there is different times to prune these plants but have just looked it up and for different plants there are different times to prune. Is there a time when I can prune at the wrong time without doing to much damage?
If you're not sure the RHS advises:
Unsure of which pruning group
If you are unsure or forget which group your clematis fall into, observe the flowering time on your plant and use the following simple guide;
•Flowering before early summer (June), do not prune
•Flowering from late June onwards, prune in late winter (February)
So that would suggest to me don't prune anything now
Being lazy I think I will go for the "don't prune" answer! I do still have the name tags sadly taken off the plant and stored in the shed at the time assuring myself I would remember which as which :-(
Hey ho you live you learn.