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Bridgnorth Quiz - Final!

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Malcopool | 14:06 Tue 03rd Apr 2018 | Quizzes & Puzzles
15 Answers
Sweets or chocolates,
1.Heard in rounds.
2. Small Helvetian cat.
3. Sounds like you mustn't raise your voice.
4. Closed-lips noise eavesdropper.


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3 Wispa
3 wispa
3 whispa
2. iffy Kit kat (nestle is swiss)
3 Shhh bar maybe
4 humbug
4 Humbug
4 hum + bug - humbug ?
1. could this be something to do with 'Bullets" eg black bullets / licorice bullets or some other bullets. help required
1 iffy black bullet
1. Wine gums (heard "inn" rounds) ??
That'a good answer JJ109, but I would have thought ordering a round of drinks rather than inn.
question marks mean that I am putting down my thoughts to see if anyone can work off them. I don't think the answer given is necessarily correct
Question Author
Thank you all once again. I'm now finishing and will be posting my entry tomorrow!
1 applause (chocolate bar) ?

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Bridgnorth Quiz - Final!

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