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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 04:24 Wed 04th Apr 2018 | ChatterBank
79 Answers
Wednesday. Can't see any stars this morning. Not very springlike is it. At this rate we won't get spring until August. Then we'd have Christmas in summer! :o}

No idea what today will be like. I'll see what happens.

Have a happy day everyone.



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We all will emmie xx
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Keep your chin up emmie xxx
I might manage to make a few trumpets.... Just toasted the last 2 from freezer
thanks that is good to know.
I will mention your name to the big man...:o) it's not knowing...fear of the unknown is very bad...
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We're all with you emmie. xxx

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You're right there minty!
..Spam in tech
Naeem one
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zapped! :o}
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The M5 problem seems to be sorted DT.
Roads will be in chaos here with this heavy mist
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Indeed. They will be here too, its raining again.
Raining heavily here now
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Better than snow!
It is !
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Time I made a move.

Have a happy day everyone.
Bye Boaty xx

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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