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I Presume This Is A Scam

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nailit | 18:09 Wed 04th Apr 2018 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
Received a text telling me that I have a pending tax refund of 265.84 from HMRC and to proceed with application, complete this form


Anyone else had this text?


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"why has http gone red?"

It's embarrassed at being included in such an obvious scam. :-)
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LOL Douglas ;-)
I love AB

Nailit ( for it is he ) Is this a scam ?
s/o - Nailit you know this is a scam!
N - no I dont - is it?
s/o o lardy lardy - if you dont know I aint gonna tell !
N still dont know.....

Yes Nailit this is a deffo scam
people are still being had ( such as you)
presumably preying on - - - "well could be true"

tax office insist they dont present tax rebates in this way

what amazes me is that everyone i know that has received this email are owed the same amount of money ...

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I Presume This Is A Scam

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