How stupid is Brenda supposed to be? To think she could steal Laurel's credit card, use it on line to buy £800 worth of goods, have the items delivered to her café and sign for them!! This whole Brenda/Bob/Laurel story is very tiresome.
and the silly cow put them under the counter bob wont see them will he.... oh no i see ross is becoming addicted to pain killers now ala coronation st and regarding coronation street the "neon" sign in the kebab shop will has cost with fitting vat and glass protection upwards of £2500. did not dev would fork out that much for a shop sign.thnk
I keep saying's not "script-writers" to blame for daft happenings - it's "storyliners". Scriptwriters simply write the words for the already-decided daft storylines.
Why didn't she put the credit card back into Laurel's purse before she put the purse back into Laurel's bag? The card will be cancelled, so cannot be used again by Brenda.
In the real world, andres, yes. But in Emmerdale, they were delivered to the café, she signed for them and then put them under the counter so that Bob wouldn't see them.