this land _eng.swf the land the whole world understands is rightfully theirs. so if they were released from their concentration camp existence and old men and women with children didn't have to stand in the hot sun being humiliated every day at checkpoints being asked (ver are your papers) just to run basic errands, like you and me and everybody else take for granted, as it is our god given right and maybe if the palestinian's that are living in the ghettos of the neihbouring arab countries with no citizenship or rights were allowed to return and have their stolen property returned to them or a least be given fair compensation, it would go a long way towards rectifiying matters. we are talking about righting a wrong from forty years ago, not the biblical era! you would think that the jewish people as a race would have some comprehension of the palestinian situation, as per the daily reminders i have had through the media my entire life as to what they suffered through. so you tell me, why would they treat others so abominably. it cannot be rationalized or justified! there are towns in irael where jews and arabs co-exist with no problems, after all, we are all the same, just people. the government controlled media fuels all of this hatred to suit their own agendas, unfortunately most of us buy it hook, line and sinker. the money spent on those patriot missile launcher's alone, never mind their obscene wall, would easily take care of the financing to get the ball rolling in a positive direction. but quite obviously this is not desired.