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Rte 15

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Great-Wall | 10:19 Mon 02nd Apr 2018 | Crosswords
5 Answers
24D. Only two bits of a stick required before the cow comes home ! (5) ?t?e?


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st(ick) + eer(before)
^In the sense of 'before' surely it should be ere not eer. Setter's error?
24D Steer.
A second dictionary definition, if this helps :-
A steer is a bull that has been castrated.
Also, how sticks were used to achieve this..
Thanks. I am not sure the castration bit fits in here- just first two bits/letters of stick- and I don't think this explains where the eer comes from, unliss in Ireland they say eer instead of ere (or there was a 'sounds like' word omitted from the clue)

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