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A Mystery For Amusing Answers Please....

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gness | 16:44 Thu 05th Apr 2018 | ChatterBank
88 Answers
I had a gastroscopy today...

When I started to take off my shoes to's a climb for me....onto the
bed I was told to keep them on.

During the procedure my mind was mulling over all sorts of reasons why I had to keep my shoes on......from the sensible to the extreme.....lying on a hospital bed with outdoor shoes on seemed odd.....

When it was over I had to ask the consultant......I wouldn't have slept tonight if I'd been left wondering......

He told me why...............can you guess?....... :-)



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did he once trip over someone's shoes as he inserted the endoscope?
18:51 Thu 05th Apr 2018
Yes indeed, sounds too scary to even blink, let alone avert my eyes.
my brother's girlfriend had to go through the same procedure and the colonoscopy the same day. She had the throat spray and said she couldn't believe how easy it was. I think I would in spite of the throat spray - gag and gag. Even tho the throat is numb - surely you feel the tube going inside you. You are brave Gness
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Well, unless every consultant/technician/specialist nurse has had this happen to them, I think this is a requirement for all endoscopy procedures, and not just because this consultant 'tripped over a patients shoes'.
I've had quite a few of these procedures and have been required to keep my shoes on every time.
I think he was having you on ;)
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Maybe spath, maybe. Wouldn't he have said it's policy though, for health and safety, rather than inferring it's something only he insists on?
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Ethandron.....from the expression on his face as he told me why and the little wink his nurse gave me it was clear he was having me on.....removed shoes could be tucked far away from his wandering feet..... :-)

I posted with "amusing" in my title to open the post for a bit of fun and imaginative answers........ :-)

Still love Sqad's answer...the first one.....but Ael got it..... feel very little at all.....tiny bit of pressure when a biopsy is taken.....and a whoosh when the tube comes out......x
on the other hand the doc may be in need of an eye test if he couldn't spot gness's doc martens on the floor

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