This kind of spicy mixture is called Kavarma Kepab and is an emblematic dish of the country. Not many places in the UK sell it, other than very specialist food outlets. It is however wuite easy to make your own.
You will need: 3/4kg of tender pork, 1/2 cupful lard, 4-5 leeks, chopped, 1 teaspoon tomato paste, 1 teaspoon red pepper, 1/3 cupful of white wqine, 1 oinion, chopped, some chopped parsley and a small red chlii, deseeded and chopped.
Fry the chopped pork in the lard, remove the fat and place in a dish. Fry the leeks in the lard fart, add tomato paste and the red pepper and chilli. Pour in 1/2 cupful of water and add the rest of ingrdients. Cook slowly over a low heat until all the moisture has been absorbed.
This is the mixture usually added to cooked pork or served with bread and wine.