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Just Been To Visit My Sisters' Grave.

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10ClarionSt | 14:54 Sat 21st Apr 2018 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
I still miss her. Loved her to bits. She's buried quite close to Lee Rigby. There were several people at his grave, as there always is. He's well remembered here in his home town.


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Of course you miss her, all those memories you shared together.

Hold those close.x
Middleton Clarion? What a beautiful day it's been in Manchester today.
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Well you've had a lovely day to visit her x
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Very apt, it was Primrose Day on the 19th - a beautiful choice.
Time flies Clarion.
Barbaric what happened to Lee Rigby, so young.
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A haunting memory for his poor family.
What I don't understand is that Lee Rigby appeared to have a loving wife and a doting fiancé?
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//Rigby married in 2007 and had a two-year-old son, but had separated from his wife. He was engaged to a new fiancée at the time of his death,//
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Bye 10C x
Bye Clarion!

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