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Today's Newspapers.

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Caran | 10:37 Tue 24th Apr 2018 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
The Daily Mail has a 16 page pull out and a further 19 pages on the royal birth.
The Daily Express has just 9.
How can the Mail justify this? Total waste of money.
I am not against the royal family, I fully support them but this is overkill.
I dread to think what is going to happen when the wedding takes place.


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The reason they have no control of their hands is to stop them retaliateing and smacking the midwive when he/she snacks them on the bum
@ummm - all babies are ugly horrible things
noo that's no' troo Fluffy... some are lovely..most aint !
Vetuste //let's face it, [Meghan's] a bit of a minger.//

I think you're probably the only person who thinks that. Everyone I've heard mentioning her looks say she's beautiful.
Clover, I am guessing here but V_E's reply was a stab at humour - the clue was when he used the name 'Merkel'.
I don't think it's overkill, the more the merrier as far as I'm concerned! Looking forward to the wedding coverage.
its always done this i think, back to Charles and Diana's wedding, it is overkill, but people will still buy the paper/
Oh yes, thanks Mamya.
New born babies are beautiful and I love the squeaky little noises they make too.
what ? - when you squeeze them , hereIam ?

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