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Feel So Much Better Now.

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Caran | 23:09 Wed 25th Apr 2018 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
A few days ago I clipped the corner of a fence with my car. Caused a couple of little holes, dislodged the indicator light, about a square foot needs polishing out and a bit of a respray. Ordered some paint.
Yesterday OH came home from his reunion lunch and he had bumped his car. He hit a bollard in the car park. Cracked the bumper and a few scrapes.
Ordered a new bumper on line and some paint.
His bump is worse than mine. Feel quite relieved!!


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Thanks for that Chris!
A new hobby for you both - Demolition Derby?
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Incredible how we both did it a few days apart. Especially when we haven't had a bump before.
Caran's been getting some practice in, Mamya - and she looks great too!
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Chris how did you know that was me!!!
Shortly after having to fork out £500 quid for a replacement gearbox in my 11-year-old car last year, my friend told me that she'd just had to fork out €900 (in Italy) for a new clutch in her 5-year-old car.

I suddenly felt a lot better too;-)
>>> how did you know that was me

I recognised your fashion sense, Caran ;-)
I remember seeing a lass driving a car with a huge dent in it......she had painted in white the word.....HIS....with an arrow pointing to the dent.... :-)
Know the feeling, Caran!

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Feel So Much Better Now.

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