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Bliss Is.....

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gness | 23:23 Tue 01st May 2018 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
......silence......complete silence....
The last two days of my holiday were quite noisy....I don’t much like noise......
Fourteen hours ago I got on the ferry.... into my cabin where I have a bed at ground level.... no bloody bunk......and here I have stayed. and silence.......
This is bliss...... :-)


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Silence is golden xxx
Ahhh heaven! x
As someone with sedatephobia, I'd hate the silence!

They write books for people like you though, Gness ;-)
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Losing signal!
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Golden and heaven indeed! I seem to have been given a cabin away from everyone else :-)
Chris, is that a real book?
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Thank you...,I’ll look when I get home..... this phone is much smaller and fiddly when I’ve had most of a bottle of red,...x
. . . especially when you've already had all of the previous bottle ;-)
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Could that be why the ship is swaying ?
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I’ve never seen such a mess getting cars on a ship as this one point we were having to go round in a circle and the chap directing us was getting really cross at folk who couldn’t reverse in the circle....
It was like a barn dance....
He was really cross when the chap in front of us panicked and ran him over though..... :-)
The only ferry I ever have to drive onto is this one:

They still like to pack the vehicles in like sardines though!
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I was watching all the lorries and caravans amazes me that we float....
That’s a lot of weight even without my cases of Portuguese wine... ;-)

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Bliss Is.....

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