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What's the best way to meet a fella?

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kezza1973 | 20:35 Sun 16th Jul 2006 | Body & Soul
7 Answers
I have been single with 2 children for over a year. I am quite happy in my own space but can't help feeling time is slipping by and I am miising out on something. I sometimes feel I don't have time to date. I am also a bit of a homebody, going it out is more of a treat than a regular thing... any suggestions?.


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just wait and let it happen, don't go looking.
Dot talks sense. Women who go out 'looking for men' seem to generate an aura that sends said men running fast in the opposite direction.

If you really feel in a rut, what about finding some sort of interest that would get you out once a week or so, preferably something where the gender mix is fairly equal. Sport, music, whatever.

When I was eighteen I didn't like clubs and discos, but I did like drama. I hadn't found any lads I liked anywhere, so I virtually gave up looking and instead joined a local drama group. I made some wonderful friends, and also met this rather dishy bloke. I married him eighteen months later, partly due to our friends' matchmaking antics. Twenty seven years on, we're still married and our friends are still our friends.
that's what I meant but saxy-jag said it better lol
Join up to a class or hobby that YOU are interested in - could be anything from amateur dramatics to motor car maintenance (and why not, could come in useful one day !). That way you're likely to meet people who have similar interests to you and that you are likely to get on with. I appreciate that with two kids you might not be able to get to evening classes, but there are plenty of morning and evening classes run by Local Authorities. Check out your local library for events such as book clubs, nature walks, talks in the local university/college on all sorts of diverse subjects. There really are loads of activities going on out there !
Do you like reading? If so, why not try to form a Book Reading Club which can meet in your own home once a month to read and discuss a particular book. If you talk to the people in your library they'll possibly display a notice there to help you get started. This will enable you to meet new people but not have to worry about a baby sitter if your children are still small.
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Thanks everyone, I will try to get out more, don't feel like I am desperate but also never see my situation changin. Many thanks.
How u doin Kezza

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What's the best way to meet a fella?

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