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Horrid Little Sisters.

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gness | 22:57 Wed 09th May 2018 | ChatterBank
38 Answers

Were you one of the horrid little sisters who always cried until she got the one and only cherry in the tin of fruit salad.....
Or the long suffering one who never got the cherry?

Like me.... :-(


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My sister being the younger one, always whined for things. My Mother always gave into her for a quiet life!
I kind of accepted it and never felt jealous...
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Joyous day if there were two, Baz....til the brother arrived.... :-(

Don't mention Fondant Fancies, Dave....I have yet to forgive the boy at the Queen's Coronation for stealing mine!

I've never had a condensed milk sandwich, Sherr....what am I missing?
Hi Gness, I think it's a South Wales thing - my gran always used to give us uber sweet things and I have a terrible sweet tooth still. In my defence, I hadn't been well and hadn't eaten so just need some sugar to give me a boost. My eldest daughter tried half a teaspoon of condensed milk but she wasn't impressed.
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Ooooo...I did that, Chris...then felt sick...x

I think I did too, Patsy.....just accepted it for the quiet I'd kick her under the table...x
I was the youngest of 6 and 8 years between my twin bros - but my eldest bro with a drop o'drink or two said to me - I know you are the baby of the family but we treat you like the eldest. How true his words were. Far far too much responsibility placed on me at such a young age.

"You can't put an old head on young shoulders".
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Sherr....just for the hell of it I will give it a go!....x
don't you know if you boil condensed milk for 3 hours - it turns into toffee. yes I know you can buy ready made toffee - have it in my fridge at the mo waiting for banoffee to be made.
Give these a try; they're lovely!
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Conne....I was the first one born into my generation of the close Irish family.....I was in charge of all the little ones....lord what a pain they were...mind the baby's head.....take her for a walk in the pram.....don't drop him in the river.....
The day I told the cousin that rolling in a heap of tar would get the dirt off him before granny saw it was the day the grown ups decided perhaps I wasn't the one to be in charge.... :-)

Conne....that sounds delicious.....and Chris......that sounds just up my street......bliss...x
Gness...I remember when I was about 8,having the measles and a very high fever. I was delirious...mum was trying to soothe me, and nasty older sister was moaning "can't you be quiet?"
I remember scoffing half a jar of (real, expensive) Maraschino Cherries - my Dad had a purple fit ...
Question Author mum never soothed me....she just got angry if I was ill...well to be honest she was just always angry with me.... :-)
Sister was a doll like pretty little thing with a hole in her heart. I had no chance.....
I'm going to make a move. and try and get everything done before the promised rain arrives. I've got a fair bit to do! Have a happy day everyone. xxxxx
Spare a thought for the older sister. All is well and then the baby brother arrives. Just what Dad always wanted - so he is always first, always right in squabbles, gets given a bike when I bought mine when I started work. Little perisher!!!
I was the eldest. But my mother was fair. Her refereeing skills were second to none. But she had a "look" that only a mother can give which mades horrid sqabbling siblings think "Ooohhh, best behave now". It was only me and my sister who fought. Little bro came along several years later and his two big sisters couldnt do enough for him - we'd give him ALL the cherries!!!!
My sister in law has two girls who are the most many spoilt brats ever.

They may have grown up now (though I doubt it) but one couldn't have anything without the other having hysterics.

As a result when one had a birthday they both had to have presents or they would have screamed the house down.

I blame the parents.
I had a little pot of fruit salad in a Florida hotel recently, ruined by the single, horrible maraschino cherry so anyone could have had it! We, bro and I used to argue about who got the green penguin and the single wrapped tangerine in the box at Christmas.

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