Saturday Times Prize Crossword Saturday May 12Th 2018 in The AnswerBank: Crosswords
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Saturday Times Prize Crossword Saturday May 12Th 2018

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hope3fully | 17:15 Sat 12th May 2018 | Crosswords
8 Answers
14a commentators kit supplied by leading firm 7 h- - -s- - 21a like cardigan sucessfully completed by mum 8.2- - - - -n-,up 19d bill absorbing temperature and air to get acclimatised 7 a- - - - - -
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14 Headset, commentator's kit. Head, leading +Set, firm.
14 Leading - Head
Firm - Set

I still struggle to read these. Any chance of putting each one on a new line?
14a Headset - 'head (leading) set (firm)'
21a Buttoned up - "mum" as "silent"
19d Attuned - 'ad' (bill, absorbing) 't(emp) tune (air)'
21 Buttoned up, like a cardigan..+ Mum. quiet etc.
buttoned up
Fortunately I've done this today so I will be able to help if you have any more- but the way you set them out is very difficult to read on my screen
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thank you

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Saturday Times Prize Crossword Saturday May 12Th 2018

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