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How Long Do Flies Live?

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Jackdaw33 | 15:20 Sat 12th May 2018 | Animals & Nature
12 Answers
A fly has got into my flat and despite leaving all windows open it refuses to leave. How long do I have to wait before it falls of its perch?


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Mine live till they feel my swat
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Unfortunately I'm not that athletic anymore.
They live for around 28 days, but I've no idea how you tell its age. ;-)
not long in this house
What do you call a fly with no wings? A walk!
Check youtube for fly traps
Not long if you spray 'em.
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I am told that hair spray is far more effective than fly spray as it glues their wings together and they can no longer fly.
I never understand how flies manage to get in through a tiny gap but then can't seem to find their way out when I fully open all the windows and sometimes even the door
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...but hairspray doesn't just land on the fly, Jack. It makes a horrible, sticky mess elsewhere.
Invite Barack Obama round.

The trick is to come slowly from behind them.
They can see almost all the way round but have a blind spot at the rear.

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How Long Do Flies Live?

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