I have found this on the internet and it actually looks good. It is unlikely to interfere with other medication and doesnt appear to cause side effects as all the ingredients are natural. Does this sound too good to be true? It appears to burn fat and suppress the appetite.
Not bothering to read the link, all I can suggest is that you don’t bother and save your money.
If true weight-loss pills existed they’d be a fortune as the medical holy grail/obesity timebomb nemesis would have been found.
There’s no substitute for a proper, sensible diet and avoiding a sedentary lifestyle.
My impression is snake oil. But check out genuine reviews, then consider pills won't be taken for life; if you've not developed decent eating habits then you'll likely put it all back on again.
There is only ONE way to lose weight. Burn more calories than you take in. So either exercise more or eat less. (or a combination of both)
All ingredients are natural!!! So are there pills that contain 'Unnatural' ingredients ?
I wouldn't touch them with a barge pole.
Their figures state 3.44 % of body weight. If you weigh 200lb, that's 7 pounds...in what time frame? 6 weeks...6 months?
Diet is the key..ditching the carbs is the best thing you can do...and change your eating habits permanently. Eating lettuce 3x a day for 6 months, then going back to old habits will just pile the weight back on.