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Dingbats Answer

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nickizzle | 10:11 Fri 18th May 2018 | Quizzes & Puzzles
11 Answers
Female sign (Venus) in white, next to a Male sign (Mars) in black.

Thank you very much everyone!


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10:19 Fri 18th May 2018
Women come from Venus, men come from Mars
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Thanks everyone.
@dannyk13 - That is my answer as well, but I am worried that it may be too much of a stretch to get to that answer from the two symbols?

@JJ109 - I like that answer for the male symbol but what would the female be?
ladies first ?
a ladies man?
or what planet are you on ?
Women are the fairer sex?
Love & Hate?
Just to be clear - THE OPPOSITE SEX wasn't a flippant answer to nickizzle's ''...but what would the female be'' it was what i think is the answer to the original question (the two sex signs are shown in opposite colours - black and white).
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Hi everyone,

The answer ended up being blackmail.

I really liked the fairer sex and the opposite sex answers of Professor Maisie and Elliemay1.

Thanks again.

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