Depends on the reasons why you're jealous, if you've no cause to be and you're just being unreasonable then really you have to tell yourself that. If you have reason to be then I guess that could be different. I think it depends on the situation.
I feel i have little right to be... my boyfriend is very good friends with one of my friends. It is just i often get the impression they are more than just friends. It of corse me being ridiculous xD i just wanted to know if i could find i cure for thinking in such a way...
as to the jealousy thing, soozmac is totally right. Only cure for jealousy is self confidence. However, you can train yourself not to act or react in a jealous way, but the thoughts will always be with you I'm afraid sweetie. sorry, not much help eh? tc x
Just remember that eventually jealousy will throttle the life out of any relationship. Whatever your feelings, just stifle them. If you trust your partner there is no room for jealousy. If you don't, chuck him/her because sooner or later they will feel they are being stifled and will opt for their freedom.