Chocolates old and new in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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Chocolates old and new

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bluedog | 21:00 Thu 20th Jul 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
9 Answers
1 Pop then step backwards. (7)
2 Take a breather (4,3)
3Chocolate goes round stairs (6)
4 A sign from the stars maybe(4)
5 A nut dropped into milk could cause a stir (6)
6 Old form of transport (5, 5 )
7 Emu's chin could help you gnaw through these (8)
8 Not what you call a settler (7)
9 Munch noisily (5)
10 A foreign eccentric ( 5, 3 )
11 This will increase your strength (5)
12 A short Australian devil, maybe (3)
13 Not so recent Caribbean island ( 3, 7 )
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1. Poppets
12. Taz
13. Old Jamaica
8. Drifter
7) Munchies
5 Nougat?
2. Time out

still thinking.
11) Boost
6) Wagon Wheel ?
3) Spiral ?
9... chomp
4) Lion ( bar ) Star sign Leo ?
it's something NUT but I can't think what, sorry.

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Chocolates old and new

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