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Is It Really Like This In Canada?

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wolf63 | 15:55 Thu 31st May 2018 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
..... the guys south of their border seem to solve most problems with a gun.



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Only in Seskar......Sescatch......sesketchew........

Yes I think so. In Alberta anyway.
Having stayed with relatives in Calgary for several's quite surprising what you come across when out and about...and even in your back garden. Sorry, yard.
Love it.
It really is, Wolf....lovely laid back and polite folk the Canadians...Calgary's where I was taught how to ask a wasp to go away......and they do...... :-)
When we lived in New Jersey, we lived near an area called The Great Swamp which is a huge forested area....small very wealthy villages separated by areas of forest. One morning on the local radio there was an announcement telling people to drive carefully around one of the local small shopping areas and not to try and shop there because there was a bear eating out of the hamburger restaurant's bins. The attitude was very much "nothing to get excited about, we just thought we had better mention it" Once the bear had his fill, he wandered back into the forest, crossing several roads on his way, and everybody drew breath and got back to normal.

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Is It Really Like This In Canada?

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