Hi muchlovex, as a university lecturer and course director, my advice is that you should not even consider trying to combine a fulltime job and fulltime degree study. Many of our students have tried, many have failed, and those that have succeeded have emerged with a degree grade way below the true level of their capability.
Why not try the first year as part time. This way, you can take two or even three years to complete first year. You can keep on your fulltime job. Then, when you are ready to enter second year, you can either maintain your part time status, or apply to transfer to fulltime student status, if you are in a financial position to do so. But trying to combine fulltime study with fulltime work? A recipe for disaster. There may be those who disagree - I am sure there will be, but from my observations I believe that students who graduate having worked fulltime throughout their degree are less likely to do themselves justice in the grade they achieve.