Please Guide Me To Find My Life’S Path
First of all, excuse me for my verbiage
I am 33, single from Iran
When I was 18, I did not know myself anymore; it means I was not aware of my favorites, gifts and abilities. There were no advisor to take the psychological tests and guide me. I chose to study Electronics Engineering at college due to my family and friends advise. They said this field had great job market. I studied it without any enjoyment and surprisingly with high grades. Despite the high grades, I did not understand the concepts and I just passed them. Now I am working in a factory as an electrical inspector and it is disappointing. I do not like my jobs and life because of low income, low job security, very bad job market (in Iran) and the most important one: I don’t like engineering. It is proven for me that I am not build for engineering.
When I was 30, after taking psychological tests. I found I am Introvert, Sensing, Feeling, Judging(ISFJ) and in Enneagram test I am type 9. The perfect suggested jobs for me are teaching, psychologists and Human Resource Management (HRM).
Needless to say that Iran’s financial problem is getting worse and worse every year and everything is disappointing.
To be a teacher/ professor, I should study PhD, in a field I do not like. I have finished my Master course 6 years ago with some international papers. I am said it is very very difficult to get scholarship from Canada or Australia due to this 6-year gap.
To study Human Resource Management (HRM) I should change my field and study Master of Science in management. In this case I should quit my job and study it in one of turkey’ universities. I can afford it for 2 years. I don’t have any perspective for future? Is it possible to get job or get scholarship after 2 years when I am 35?
I am preoccupied with my age. Many people say “it is difficult to study PhD or another field at this age” or “Do not quit your job because it is difficult to find new one after 2 years”
Please help me by your precious advice.