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Do You Think That She Is A Good Mother?

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wolf63 | 20:56 Thu 14th Jun 2018 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
I know that I shouldn't laugh at this but it is amusing.



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No....but she's a typical ginge..... ;-) Ginge holds the door open for me :-)

Cats are weird.
The fact that she left her offspring behind a closed door?
Bad Mummy.
Teaching it the first rule of catness.... thou shalt not give a #### for any other living thing.
What I find weird about cats. I've watched my cat try to jump from my coffee table to my sideboard, miss and smash himself. Not a bother yet if I accidentally stand on his tail he yelps.

If having their tail stood on hurts so much why do they throw themselves in front of you without warning?
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Each cat knows that the world revolves around them and them alone.

They know that we obey most of their commands just to shut them up. A nagging cat is a pain in the behind.

My two are staying away from their poorly and grumpy mum/slave.

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Do You Think That She Is A Good Mother?

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