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nailit | 20:10 Thu 14th Jun 2018 | ChatterBank
37 Answers
Just why do people think that they have to be Politically Correct all the time?
Just what is wrong with standing out from the crowd once in a while and stating what they believe to be true?
Are we all sheep?
Be a wolf once in a while....



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I don't feel as though I have to be PC you vegetable I'm just well mannered and sometime a little cheeky but never set out to offend.
Our Nailit likes to lob, if not a grenade, then a weapons grade firework into a thread.
Seems to be his 'thing'.
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//The problem is, Nails, any debates about Islam or religion tend to be very repetitive and boring//
It does get very boring hearing about muslim attacks everyday and repetitive attacks by muslims all the time. I agree
I find it's the ones who promote PC as the wolves not the sheep. Not on here anyway.
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//Steady, nailit...... //
Is that a warning???
No, it's a polite request for you to stop calling me a liar.
There was a thread within the last 48 hours about the refugees in the boats, which was so horrible and despicable that I thought about leaving the site. I didn't because I fail to see why people who aren't that out of whack ought to be driven out by people with such extremist views, but two other members left over it because it really was stomach churning, but i didn't report it either as I believe in free speech. Plus let it stand, you can then see exactly who and what you are interacting with.
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You must love ur admin position....
In real life got you got no other then position?
I don't have an admin position and I don't think it is unreasonable to get a bit miffed when someone says you are lying.....

Dunno if that was aimed at Jack or me Nailit, but I'm not an Admin either.
Well someone has to say it, you best be careful nailit,
//I don't think it is unreasonable to get a bit miffed when someone says you are lying..... //

Being wrong though means that you are not yet aware of it and liable to confuse the two conditions. .
Careful now nailit !!!
Having been involved in several threads that contained many posts about Muslims I can confirm jth is not lying. (And I will continue to be involved in threads about Muslims)
Being "not politically correct" is just a way of not having to 'tread on eggshells' trying not to have the oversensitive decide they feel offended at the truth. There are limits, and the PC term was coined to label those who regularly overstep any reasonable mark.

That stated who says that PC folk aren't saying what they believe to be true ? It takes all sorts.
I'm not pc, never have been and never will be and I think folk who leave just because they don't like some of the answers on a thread really, really, really need to get a grip !

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