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Well That Was Disappointing!

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gness | 13:22 Wed 13th Jun 2018 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
I put out bowls of food and water for the once spotted hedgehog in my garden....and set up the wildlife camera....

I now have 29 photographs of.....Dave's feet as he walks around the bowls to make sure the camera pigeon...and four different cats..... :-(

I have special hog food arriving cats eat this?..x


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I guess you could just slide the dish in and out, Helly.....x
A spotted hedgehog? Wow! How unusual.
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Well that took some time, Theland......been waiting hours for someone to say that....... :-)
I live in a small block of maisonettes. I used to see a hedgehog on late summer evenings snuffling on the lawn or around the rubbish store. Those wee critters can certainly move fast when they want to. Unfortunately I saw a dead one last summer on the lawn...not a clue how it would have met its demise. Not seen any so far this year. :-(
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They can move at some speed can't they, Pasta! And at other times if you go too close they freeze.....I just love them..x
My hedgehog is currently in his "I'll visit occasionally"

Last seen (on camera) about 3 days ago.

Meanwhile, the blackys know where his food is, and expect me to give them it!
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I'll be happy with even just occasionally, Tuvok.....I will put food out at dusk but today I set everything out to make sure it was okay......turned my back and a blackbird was in there!
A pigeon was circling it but didn't attempt to get stuck in the access hole.... :-)
Why did the hedgehog cross the road?

To see his flat mate.
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The food had all gone this morning and the camera worked beautifully......I now have.....
Pictures of... a diva pigeon......four different cat's bums as they try to stick their heads into my little feeding station.....
And blackbirds bobbing in and out enjoying the hedgehog food.... :-(
Out of curiosity where do yout your food from.

I used to use but then found arkwildlife was cheaper.

And hedgy prefers Aldi dog food - although he has been given Caesar and Asda Hero in the past.

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Well That Was Disappointing!

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