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Trump Travel Ban Upheld...

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vetuste_ennemi | 15:00 Tue 26th Jun 2018 | News
40 Answers the Supreme Court:

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Spot on.
What an acned old phrase.
Avon will sort it for you ... so they say.
Clearskins are people with no history. They are the most likely people to blow up your aircraft. Seriously. Shame you think that is a joke though
Ding dong!
*cleanskins* (damn autocorrect)
No 237, that’s a Cleanskin. Sheesh.
^ Yes and you knew all about that before you read my link (not) -)
237S, rest assured I don't think any of it is a joke - which is why I think Donald Trump is absolutely right to be concerned about who he's letting into his country. If only we were as astute.
^ Could have fooled me. My point is, there is no way of knowing where potential terrorists originate. I wish it was that easy
Dry food point 237. And the reason why it’s so hard to wage war on terror.
Eh! ‘Very good’ point
Dry food?
(Bloody autocorrect got me too)
Whiskers or Iams )
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//There are plenty of Cleanskins around and they don't necessarily come from those countries//
//Clearskins are potential terrorists who have no history//

Ah, all becomes, erm, clear. I mean clean

Would it be pertinent to ask what countries "clearskins" who break cover do come from? Or maybe where their parents came from? Or whether they've arrived through "chain" migration - and where from? Or won citizenship through the visa lottery policy - where from? Would these be relevant questions to ask when you're discussing national security, immigration policy and the relationship between those two?

I'm think of the San Bernardino murderers. Didn't clearskin hubby and triple A rated clearskin wife (passed five separate security checks) both come from Pakistan (not on the list)?

"My point" is that the answers to these questions might give you useful clues about where the next clearskin might originate.
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This topic is important. Well, not to the Hillary set, but certainly to that half of Trump voters who are deplorables and the other half who are losers.

But still room to laugh at ZM's "acned old phrase".
Makes total sense.

No it won't fix the problem 100% but as this problem is multifaceted one has to start somewhere.
237SJ , //My point is, there is no way of knowing where potential terrorists originate.//

That really isn’t your point, is it. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I get the impression that the point you’re making - albeit rather surreptitiously - is that because you think incomers will be wrongly targeted, this is a practice that should be abandoned altogether. From my point of view, unless some effort is made to identify potential problems, innocents will die and quite frankly, for me, the well-being of those innocents must take priority over the aspirations of newcomers.

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