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Stop the site losing appends

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vehelpfulguy | 01:05 Thu 20th Jul 2006 | Site Suggestions
7 Answers
I try to answer a lot of appends but I am getting sick of losing them after typing them in a pressing submit.

I then crashes and append is lots.

I now do a copy before pressing submit in case I losr it and it saves me having to re-type it but this is very annoying.

If it keeps happening I am going to give up replying to questions.


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Somebody please help vehelpfulguy with his append problem, we dont want to lose him!
what are appends? do you mean answers?
Hi vehelpfulguy

Thank you for letting us know. We have been aware that other users have been experiencing a similar problem - losing posts when they reach a certain limit - and our Technical team is looking into it. We will post an update when they are able to tell us what is the problem.

Thank you!
Losing an append sounds ruddy painful!
There was that film, "A Funny Thing Append On The Way To The Forum..."
Corbyloon - brilliant line!
ive had this happen too. i pressed the back button then pressed post an answer and presto it was all there ready to submit again.

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Stop the site losing appends

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