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Chequers .

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gulliver1 | 11:27 Mon 02nd Jul 2018 | News
29 Answers
Any Bets on what will be the outcome at The Chequers Brexit Meeting on friday. who will be Mrs Mays Back stabber?.


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As an aside....I've been inside Chequers (special security clearance needed, of course) in a professional capacity in the days of Ma Thatch.
No expense spared inside, of course....including several kitchens.
She’s survived because she’s managed to prevaricate over the terms of Brexit. This was good for her survival and very bad for the everything else. At some point she will have to dare the ocular swivellers to accept a sensible Brexit plan or resign. October is the deadline and as yet no discernible plan has been forthcoming. Maybe that’ll work. More likely it won’t
There's an old saying about the Tories: "The Conservative Party has never championed a cause it did not later betray." Looking very apt atm.
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So Boris is going to back Mogg then, "birds of a feather" and warning of a Tory revolt, if May does not let them have their way with Brexit. It will no doubt be what's in it for them , not Joe Public.
All polititions of all persuasions are ultimately out for what they can get themselves.
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The people voted for brexit, the people should vote for the conditions, not a bunch of silver spooned overgrown public school kids.
Wonder if Boris will be present? He may be required to give advice. overseas ?
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Good point ! Anneasquith,
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Anneasquith , Think if Mrs May want's to keep her job, she will have to send Moggie, and Gove along with him.

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Chequers .

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