Was Corrie on twice last night? I know it was scheduled to be on twice according to TV mags butmy Sky TV planner showed it was only on once as Paul OGrady's Love of Dogs was on for a full hour not 30 mins. I checked on ITV+1 and that said the same. I assumed that one was being saved for anothe rnight a spart of a football rejig,
But now I read about the violent scenes that shocked viewers last night in an episode I missed
Okay thanks. Turned on at 830 and it wasn't on. Sky Planner showed Paul Ogrady on 830-900 then the NHS Choir prog. ITV+1 said the same for 9:30. Weird. Grr.
Ah well, can catch up. Hopefully series link will have picked it up even though Sky schedule didn't show it
We always record Corrie via Sky Series link and it has always worked even when programmes have been reschduled but I have just checked and last night only the 7:30-8:00 recorded. The next one in the queue is Friday.
Did anyone else have the same problem?
No, he fell over playing football in the ginnel and cut his leg. Glad other people had problems last night too. My guide said Paul O' Grady for an hour and my humax box didn't record the second Corry even though when I was flicking - too late to watch it - I found out it WAS on. Anyway caught up on ITV2 this morning.
>On our TalkTalk guide it, too, showed P O'G on for the full hour, so there was no way to record it when we went out.
Thanks jth. I was beginning to wonder whether i'd imagined it.
I have taped the ITV2 showing from today so will catch up.
It seems odd that they got the listings wrong. The football had nothing to do with it as far as I can see as there was no football last night and Corrie had not had any programmes rescheduled because of earlier matches