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Two wrongs do not make a right.
Don't know - but in principle it should be.
It will have to meet certain conditions, such as health and safety, agreements to handling etc - so it’s not assured, until the organisers can demonstrate that such controls have been implemented.

Also, president, or precedent

...not ‘precident’
//Any surplus money raised/any unneeded money for the project will be donated to a charitable cause to be decided by the majority of you.//

New stretch target

All extras go into a new project of flying a pro brexit balloon over London!!//

I hope it does end up flying, it'll be funny.

If there's a baby-balloon fight, which one do people think would win?
Deary me just as juvenile as the other one.

The only thing interesting will be Khants reaction.
As with the other, slightly comical but it seems clear where the money will actually go in this instance.
Better still lets get a huge balloon of Mohammed sucking a pig!
As good as a national holiday!
Come on Brits! Stand up and fight back!
-- answer removed --
If I had the resources I would do so.
I see the PC moderators are on duty. My answer removed. Why?
I wonder what word was offensive or broke the rules?
Mohammed? Pig? Suck? Puzzling.
I wonder if baby Khan will spit his dummy out?
My answers are being slaughtered!
Oh my I think this is a great idea.
This highlights the unwise decision in flying the first balloon, but as advised, it should be allowed for the same reasons.

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Given The Recent Precident Set By The G L A, Is Permission For This Assured?

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